If you are starting to work with Liquid, Microsoft has a rather detailed documentation here:
But, after a few days of having to scan through that documentation, I’ve started to realize that it would be great to also have a reference page that would list all Liquid keywords and cross-reference them with the corresponding documentation pages. The purpose of such page would be to show me, quickly, what’s available. In one place. So that I would not have to scan through the documentation just to figure out if there is something I could use.
If it were a technical book, this kind of reference would probably go to the Appendix A, and, hence, that’s what is is.. the missing Appendix A (and you know what? I did not realize this thing is going to be that long, yet there is a part about liquid objects that’s still not finished):
LIQUID OPERATORS (Click here for the details)
== Equals
!= Does not equal
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
Or Condition A or condition B
And Condition A and condition B
startswith tests whether a string starts with a given substring.
endswith tests whether a string ends with a given substring
contains tests for the presence of a substring within a string
LIQUID TYPES(Click here for the details)
String, Number, Boolean, Array, Dictionary, DateTime, Null
LIQUID CONTROL FLOW(Click here for the details)
if,else,elseif,endif; unless,endunless; case,when,endcase
LIQUID ITERATION TAGS (Click here for the details)
for/endfor; cycle; tablerow
VARIABLE TAGS (Click here for the details)
assign Creates a new variable
capture Captures the content within its block and assigns it to a variable
TEMPLATE TAGS (Click here for the details)
include Includes the contents of one template in another, by name
block/extends Provides template inheritance
comment Allows you to leave un-rendered code inside a Liquid template
ENTITY TAGS (Click here for the details)
chart Adds a Dynamics 365 chart to a web page
editable Renders a given Dynamics 365 portals CMS object as editable
entityview Loads a given Dynamics 365 view
searchindex Performs a query against the portal search index
entityform Fully renders a Dynamics 365-configured entity form
LIQUID FILTERS (Click here for the details)
batch Divides an array into multiple arrays of a given size
concat Concatenates two arrays into a single new array
except Select all the objects in an array where a given attribute does not have a given value
first Returns the first element of an array
group_by Group the items in an array by a given attribute
join Joins the elements of an array with the character passed as the parameter
last Returns the last element of an array
order_by Returns the elements of an array ordered by a given attribute of the elements of the array
random Returns a single randomly-selected item from the array
select Selects the value of a given attribute for each item in an array, and returns these values as an array
shuffle Applied to an array, returns a new array with the same items, in randomized order
size Returns the number of items in an array
skip Skips a given number of items in an array, and returns the rest
take Takes a given number of items from the array, returning the taken items
then_by Adds additional subsequent ordering to an array already ordered byorder_by
where Select all the objects in an array where a given attribute has a given value
date Formats a DateTime value using a .NET format string
date_add_days Adds the specified number of whole and fractional days to the DateTime value
date_add_hours Adds the specified number of whole and fractional hours to the DateTime value
date_add_minutes Adds the specified number of whole and fractional minutes to the DateTime value
date_add_months Adds the specified number of whole months to the DateTime value
date_add_seconds Adds the specified number of whole and fractional seconds to the DateTime value
date_add_years Adds the specified number of whole years to the DateTime value
date_to_iso8601 Formats a DateTime value according to the ISO 8601 standard
date_to_rfc822 Formats a DateTime value according to the RFC 822 standard
current_sort Given a sort expression, returns the current sort direction for a given attribute
metafilters Parses an entitylist filter_definition JSON value into filter option group objects
reverse_sort Given a sort direction, returns the opposite sort direction
ceil Rounds a value up to the nearest integer
divided_by Divides a number by another number
floor Rounds a value down to the nearest integer
minus Subtracts a number from another number
modulo Divides a number by another number and returns the remainder
plus Adds a number to another number
round Rounds a value to the nearest integer or specified number of decimals
times Multiplies a number by another number
append Appends a string to the end of another string
capitalize Capitalizes the first word in a string
downcase Converts a string into lowercase
escape HTML-escapes a string
newline_to_br Inserts a <br /> line break HTML tag at each line break in a string
prepend Prepends a string to the beginning of another string
remove Remove all occurrences of a substring from a string
remove_first Removes the first occurrence of a substring from a string
replace Replaces all occurrences of a string with a substring
replace_first Replaces the first occurrence of a string with a substring
split The split filter takes on a substring as a parameter
strip_html Strips all HTML tags from a string
strip_newlines Strips any line breaks from a string
text_to_html Formats a plain text string as simple HTML
truncate Truncates a string down to a given number of characters
truncate_words Truncates a string down to a given number of words
upcase Converts a string into uppercase
url_escape URI-escape a string, for inclusion in a URL
xml_escape XML-escape a string, for inclusion in XML output
boolean Attempts to convert a string value into a Boolean
decimal Attempts to convert a string value into a decimal number
integer Attempts to convert a string value into an integer
string Attempts to convert a value into its string representation
add_query Appends a query string parameter to a URL
base Gets the base URL of a given URL
host Gets the host part of a URL
path Gets the path part of a URL
path_and_query Gets the path and query part of a URL
port Gets the port number of a URL
remove_query Removes a query string parameter from a URL
scheme Gets the scheme part of a URL
default Returns a default value for any variable with no assigned value (i.e. null)
file_size Applied to a number value representing a number of bytes, returns a formatted file size with a unit of appropriate scale
has_role Applied to a user, returns true if the user belongs to the given role. Returns false if not
LIQUID OBJECTS (Click here for the details)
THAT’s a long list here.. coming soon
LIQUID.. UNDOCUMENTED (Except by Colin Vermander. Click here for the details)
fetchxml Query data from Dynamics using fetch xml