Category Archives: Power Platform

Entities are Tables now, so what?

You have probably heard that Entities are Tables now? If not, have a look here: Well, am I thrilled about it? Am I concerned about it? Quite frankly, we should all get used, by now, to all those changes in the product names and/or in the terminology around Microsoft products. Sometimes, those changes are… Read More »

Retrieving environment variable value in Javascript

The script below might help if you wanted to read CDS environment variable value in your javascript web resource. top.environmentVariables = []; function getEnvironmentVariableInternal(varName){ “use strict”; top.environmentVariables[varName] = null; Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords(“environmentvariabledefinition”, `?$top=1&fetchXml=<fetch version=’1.0′ output-format=’xml-platform’ mapping=’logical’ distinct=’true’> <entity name=’environmentvariabledefinition’> <attribute name=’defaultvalue’ /> <filter type=’and’> <condition attribute=’schemaname’ operator=’eq’ value=’` + varName + `’ /> </filter> <link-entity name=’environmentvariablevalue’ from=’environmentvariabledefinitionid’… Read More »

Can’t see “Edit Filters” button in the classic solution designer for a view? Here is one reason why

There is, really, not a lot to write about it. The screenshot below says it all: There is one link missing on the right side, which is “Edit Filter Criteria”. It does show up for some other views, though: But, from what I could see, it disappears once the view(or, possibly, the filters) has been… Read More »