Category Archives: PowerApps

Hidden fields are not “required” anymore in model-driven forms?

Coincidentally, there seem to be change in how required fields are treated in the model-driven forms. I’m saying “coincidentally”, since I recently wrote a post on a related(though different) topic: And, then, a co-worker just mentioned that, it seems, hidden fields are not “required” anymore in the model-driven forms even if they have been… Read More »

Image control for model-driven apps

You may have seen the announcement: So, I was looking at it tonight and realized that I should probably take it for a spin on my phone. After all, one of the obvious scenarios would be to have a few image fields on the form so we could open that form on the mobile… Read More »

Forms within forms

Out of a sudden, there is functionality now that we always wanted… and, yes, it went almost unnoticed. We can use main forms within other main forms now. As in the example below, I can edit primary contact information without even leaving the account form. And, then, I can do the same with the owner… Read More »

Canvas App on the Dashboard – how do we handle application url?

Environment variables can be very helpful in a lot of situations. Here is yet another scenario where I found them very useful the other day. Imagine you have a Canvas Application you wanted to display in a web resource. Maybe even on the dashboard… something like this: The app there is very simple, but it’s… Read More »