Sorry folks, there have been some technical difficulties
If you’ve been wondering what’s happened here – it seems I’ve managed to lose about a year of blog posts… will see if I can get at least some of them back
If you’ve been wondering what’s happened here – it seems I’ve managed to lose about a year of blog posts… will see if I can get at least some of them back
Not sure if you folks are aware – I was not, not until a few weeks ago when this came up in some discussions with the client, but, apparently, we should really start looking at our integration/migration/and other heavily utilized user accounts to see how many power platform requests are being made daily under those… Read More »
While switching between Visual Studio, where I was adding yet another plugin, and Microsoft Flow designer, where I had to tweak a flow earlier this week, I found myself going over another episode of self-assessment which, essentially, was all about trying to answer this question: “why am I using all those different technologies on… Read More »
In the last several weeks, I wrote a few blog posts on the devops topic. However, I also meant to conclude those series with a dedicated Q & A post, so here it goes… 1. Why did I use PowerApps build tools? Quite frankly, it was, mostly, out of curiosity. There are other community… Read More »
Canvas Apps tutorials / samples are often using the same approach. They will show you how to create an application that is relying on the Gallery and Form controls and walk you through the basic usage of those controls. Here is an example: Those are very powerful controls and you can achieve a lot… Read More »
You can use the scripts and solution/project files below to set up the same data migration test that I used to compare KingswaySoft to CozyRoc in the Part 4 of the Data Migration with SSIS series of posts: Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Overview Part 3: SSIS Data Connectors Part 4: Let’s put it all to… Read More »