This is not the most common development task by far, but that’s just one more reason to share the code since it took me a little while earlier today to assemble it from different sources.
Here is how you can upload all the files from the specified folder to Dynamics as web resources:
1. You’ll need to identify web resource type, so there will be a enum
HTML = 1,
CSS = 2,
JS = 3,
XML = 4,
PNG = 5,
JPG = 6,
GIF = 7,
XAP = 8,
XSL = 9,
ISO = 10
2. You’ll need to be able to convert file contents to Base64
static public string getEncodedFileContent(String pathToFile)
FileStream fs = new FileStream(pathToFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
byte[] binaryData = new byte[fs.Length];
long bytesRead = fs.Read(binaryData, 0, (int)fs.Length);
return System.Convert.ToBase64String(binaryData, 0, binaryData.Length);
3. And, finally, you’ll need to use all that to upload the files to Dynamics
static void UploadWebResources(IOrganizationService service, string folder, string resourcesPath)
var files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder, “*”);
foreach (var f in files)
string webResourceName = resourcesPath + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(f);
var content = getEncodedFileContent(f);
Entity wr = new Entity(“webresource”);
wr[“content”] = content;
wr[“displayname”] = f;
wr[“description”] = “Uploaded File”;
wr[“name”] = webResourceName;
bool createWr = true;
switch (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(f))
case “.js”:
wr[“webresourcetype”] = new OptionSetValue((int)WEBRESOURCETYPE.JS);
case “.gif”:
wr[“webresourcetype”] = new OptionSetValue((int)WEBRESOURCETYPE.GIF);
case “.css”:
wr[“webresourcetype”] = new OptionSetValue((int)WEBRESOURCETYPE.CSS);
case “.html”:
wr[“webresourcetype”] = new OptionSetValue((int)WEBRESOURCETYPE.HTML);
createWr = false;
if (createWr)
QueryByAttribute qba = new QueryByAttribute(“webresource”);
qba.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true);
qba.AddAttributeValue(“name”, webResourceName);
if (service.RetrieveMultiple(qba).Entities.FirstOrDefault() == null)
The code above will start by loading the list of files from the folder identified by one of the parameters. Then it will create a new webresource record for each of the files, but it will also verify if the files has already been uploaded to Dynamics (in which case it will skip such a file.. but you might use “service.Update” if you wanted to update the web resource instead, just don’t forget to set wr.Id if that’s the case)
Nice article, which was very usefull. Did you also manage to add to a specific solution instead of the default one (“Active”)? Specifying the solutionid attribute did not work on my side.
I did not, realy, try:) It seems you would have to create a solutioncomponent record for each web resource if you wanted to add those web resources to a solution, though:
Good One
Do you have this written in JavaScript?
Sort of.. Have a look at this post:
Thank you Alex