Error monitoring for the solution-aware Flows

By | May 13, 2019


Some flows are solution-aware, and some flows are not:

It turned out the difference between those two is not just that solution-aware flows are portable – somehow, it goes deeper.

Just a few days ago wrote a post where I was trying to summarize error monitoring options for the Flows:

It was not working out quite well there since the main problem I was having is that, for the Flows I was looking at, I could not get the history of Flow runs unless the Flows were shared with me.

However, that’s only a problem for the non-solution aware Flows.

If a Flow is created in the solution, it’s all getting much better.

Through the solution, I can open Flow Analytics for any Flow that’s been added to the solution:


Magically, PowerShell starts showing Flow Runs history for those flows, too:


Of course one possible problem here is that we can’t add non-solution aware flow to a solution, but that’s probably going to be resolved this way or another at some point. Right now, though, if you are looking into Flows portability and/or some kind of error monitoring approach, don’t make the mistake I did and make sure you are working with the solution-aware flows.

PS. In order for the analytics/powershell to work, we do need to have System Admin or System Customizer permissions in the CDS environment.

6 thoughts on “Error monitoring for the solution-aware Flows

    1. Alex Shlega Post author

      That link might be very helpful! We don’t have that many flows yet, but, of course, we’ve created them as regular flows. And I hate suggesting to re-create them (even though it’s probably not going to take long).

  1. JCobelens

    Do you also see that the “See Analysics” option is disabled when the Flow is in a managed solution? That’s the case I am having at the moment, so still much room for improvement. Haven’t tried the PowerShell option though.

    1. Alex Shlega Post author

      Thanks for pointing this out. And yes, it’s the same for me – looks like pretty much all the options are disabled while on the “managed solution” screen. Although, once I’m on the flow screen, I can, then, see analytics / edit the flow / turn it on and off. It works with PowerShell, too.

      1. Liaison

        How do you get to the “flows screen” you speak of…..When I go to My Flows screen, it is EMPTY even though I’m the owner. I assume its because I’m on Prod, its in a managed solution? When I go to the solution itself, the See Analytics is disabled….so…….How they heck am I supposed to manage Solution-Aware Flows???????????????????????

        “Although, once I’m on the flow screen, I can, then, see analytics / edit the flow / turn it on and off. It works with PowerShell, too.

      2. Steve Wigney

        I’m having the same issue with a managed solution – can you outline how to get to the flow screen?

        Great article, thanks


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