Why you should consider periodic / on demand refresh for the Canvas Apps / Flows

Have you ever noticed the following paragraph in the Canvas Apps coding guidelines? Periodically republishing your apps The PowerApps product team is continually optimizing the Power platform. Sometimes, for backwards compatibility, these optimizations will apply only to apps that are published by using a certain version or later. Therefore, we recommend that you periodically republish… Read More »

New solution designer is moving backwards – and that’s great! We can see hidden elements on the forms now!

It’s been a while since “treeview” experience had been added in the preview portal: https://www.itaintboring.com/dynamics/have-you-visited-preview-version-of-the-maker-portal-lately-there-is-solution-treeview-there/ Now we can also see “hidden” elements in the form designer! Classic designer had some nice stuff, after all, and now those features are making their way back into the new designer. There is “created by” on the form below,… Read More »

Model-driven app configuration entity – the most unusual approach I’ve ever seen, but it works

I was looking at the Omnichannel lately, and , then, I realized something that might be worth sharing. You know how we would often create a configuration entity in our model-driven apps? Omnichannel is doing just that, but it’s taking it one step further. It provides multiple forms for the configuration entity so that each… Read More »

Why would you want to restart your portal?

It’s been a few days since my colleague had run into the error below with the Power Apps Portals: From the stacktrace, we can probably guess that the problem is related to the permissions somehow: Adxstudio.Xrm.Cms.Security.WebsiteAccessPermissionProvider.TryAssertRightProperty And, yes, this issues started to happen once an Administrator web role had been deleted. That did not happen… Read More »