Form OnLoad vs OnDataLoad

There are two different onLoad events in the client-side XRM framework, and I did not know that… Well, it’s better to find it out late than never 😊 Here is how it works: Actually, I used to think OnLoad does what OnDataLoad do. Maybe it used to do it? Not sure. Either way, when… Read More »

Not applying for my MVP renewal, but why?

I think I have finally made piece with the decision not to apply for my MVP renewal, but it’s still worth a bit of an explanation. It won’t be long, though. First of all, when Andrey Butenko asked if I’d be interested in being considered for an MVP award back in 2017, I thought “wow,… Read More »

Macro Templates solution: deployment

This post is part of a series of posts. Please use the links below to navigate through the related posts: To deploy the solution, follow these steps (loosely): Finally, to test it out, create a record in the Template Demo table and use “New Document” button to test it all out: