Keep your coding skills sharp #DynamicsConsulting

Everyone is sharing uplifting stories these days. So, here is a story.. A client of mine had a custom case management web application which they were moving to Dynamics. That application was built on ColdFusion, it had no technical documentation,  and the one and only requirement for this project was, really, to replicate its functionality… Read More »

Albert Einstein and Dynamics

“As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.”    –Albert Einstein There! That’s how I feel about Dynamics most of the time. Off the top of my head, here is a short list of those Dynamics… Read More »

Customer Portals: Adding Dynamics integration to the existing site

What if you wanted to add Dynamics integration to an existing web site rather than to re-create that web site from scratch in the Dynamics Portals? For example, how difficult would it be to add basic customer portal functionality to my WordPress blog? I already blogged about using Dynamcis 365 plugin for WordPress earlier:… Read More »

How to: roll up without limitations

Rollup fields in Dynamics are great, they are very useful, they are there out of the box, and a lot has been written about them. Although, if you wanted to start somewhere, the page below would give you all the details: That said, there is a bunch of things you can’t do with the… Read More »

Dynamics and WordPress, the follow up

Not sure if you’ve seen my previous post on using WordPress with Dynamics – that was merely a beginner’s attempt to connect WordPress to Dynamics.. however, folks at AlexaCrm (those guys who developed the plugin) did see it, and, apparently, they figured they couldn’t leave it that way In particular, George Doubinski got in touch and… Read More »

Access Teams – why do we really need them?

What is the real difference between Access Teams and Owner Teams in Dynamics? Is it just that selection in the Team Type dropdown? Maybe let’s start the other way around: what’s not different? They are both represented by the same entity We can add users to both types of teams We can share records with… Read More »