Hey everybody – another PowerStorm watch has just been confirmed, and, apparently, it’s going to happen on Thursday, July 30, at 9 PM EST.
According to the itaintboring powerologists, here are some examples of the conditions you may expect during the event:
- Different ideas of using Adaptive Cards with Power Platform will be floated around
- The session will start with a quick overview of the adaptive cards
- Following the overview, possible scenarios of adaptive cards usage will be reviewed
- We will have a quick brainstorming session to see what other ideas we may come up with (hopefully, those who end up in the center of this event will feel recharged enough to start generating ideas
- Finally, and this may depend on the experience of the folks attending the event, we will try building out a few samples of using adaptive cards in the Flows/Teams/Canvas Apps/Model-Driven Apps
There are still a few slots available – register now!