TCS Tools: Solution Summary

By | April 26, 2017

TCS Tools is a set of components for Dynamics 365 – it’s a work in progress solution, you can find the summary of those components below. Feel free to download it and deploy in your Dynamics instance. Don’t forget to keep me posted on how it works out for you.

In order to deploy the solution, follow this steps:

  • Download managed solution file from here: TCS Tools for Dynamics
  • Import this solution file to Dynamics
  • Open Dynamics default solution(customizations) and add “TCS Expression”, “TCS Lookup Configuration”, and “TCS Number Sequence” entities to the “settings” area (or to the area of your choice), then publish all customizations

Note: there used to be a link to the version of TCS Tools for 8.x here, but that version is no longer supported.

Once the solution has been deployed, follow the links below to find out what’s available there:


Code Now plugin for XrmToolBox

CodeNow plugin has its own home page now:



DISCLAIMER: You can use TCS Tools and Code Now plugin on your Dynamics projects – there are no strings attached. However, if you do so, that means you agree that the author (me) cannot be held responsible for any issues that may or may not occur in your environment due to the use of these tools.

36 thoughts on “TCS Tools: Solution Summary

  1. Pingback: Extending the Xrm itself (Part 3 of how to lock/unlock form controls) - Microsoft Dynamics 365, Enterprise edition Community

  2. Pingback: How to: lock and hide controls/sections/tabs in a structured way (Part 2) - Microsoft Dynamics 365, Enterprise edition Community

  3. Pingback: How to: roll up without limitations - Microsoft Dynamics CRM Community

  4. Pingback: Using TCS Tools in a bit more advanced scenario - Microsoft Dynamics CRM Community

  5. Steven O'Neill

    Hi Alex

    I’m looking to use this in v9 and it’s working as the admin but any user is having an issue and I was wondering if they need a particular role update to run this? I’m receiving this error when I review the System Jobs:

    Principal user (Id=80d1a806-43c5-e711-a834-000d3a2654f3, type=8) is missing prvReadtcs_lookupconfig privilege (Id=0b29a0d8-3cea-486c-9c9e-a8d0e5dbd87d)

    The users have been granted read access to TCS Lookup Configuration entity (not sure if they needed this)

    Any advice appreciated

    1. Alex Shlega Post author

      Hi Steven,

      there is a security role in the solution (TCS Tools Readonly) – try assigning that one to the user.. also, I am wondering if the user id in that error message matches the ID of the user you’ve given permissions to.. Either way, I’ll double check with a new user account in v9 and post an update on Friday/Saturday.

    2. Alex Shlega Post author

      Hi Steven, it seems one of the users is missing the privilege. Technically, those are synchronous plugins which are supposed to be running under the calling user. But, if the error is showing up in the system jobs, I am wondering if there is an async workflow/plugin that’s calling the update which, in turn, is kicking off TCS Tools plugin.. Otherwise, you would see that error in the user interface right away. So if that workflow/plugin is running under a different non-administrative account, that’s what might be causing the issue. Check what account that user id corresponds to and give that user read permissions on the tcs_lookupconfig entity (or you might just assign “TCS Tools Readonly” security role to that user – the role comes with the TCS Tools solution).

  6. Donal

    Hi Alex – could TCS Tools be adapted to get the text value of a lookup?


  7. Rob K

    Hi Alex,
    I haven’t had a chance to use your tool yet, but it looks extremely promising!
    … BUT… We’re on Dynamics 365 Online version 1612 [] and both solution files fail out during Import with seemingly generic errors.
    Any thoughts as to how to get this to work with this latest version?
    Thanks in advance! 🙂


    1. Alex Shlega Post author

      Hi Rob,

      thanks for bringing this up – I’ll need to rebuild the plugins for .NET 4.6.2.. Give me a couple of days..

  8. Rob K

    NICE!! It’s completely my pleasure, Alex – I very much looking forward to testing this out!
    … And great work on this solution – It’s something that i never realized i really needed, UNTIL i needed it. 😉
    … Although it’s probably because i had found other work-arounds in the past [… the past 15 yrs]…
    … But if i had know this was available, then i TOTALLY would have used this instead. Great thinking to come up with this – Thanks Alex! 🙂

      1. Rob K

        Hi Alex,
        I apparently don’t receive updates when you post comments, but I just came back here and saw your message… And I just downloaded the Solution files above… And same things for both 8.1 & 8.2 versions… So I scanned the page to see if there was a link to a 9.02 version and I didn’t see anything… And then I noticed that you updated your Configuration Data Manager solution – So I gave it a shot and downloaded it, and Eureka, it installed!
        … So, my question is: Is there a different link to the rebuilt version of the TCS Tools solution? … If so, could you please point me to it… And if not, then apparently the rebuilt did not help the cause.
        Please let me know if I’m missing anything and that i just didn’t download the most recent release – Or at least that’s my hopes. Thanks Alex! 🙂

        1. Rob K

          *Sorry, by “same thing for both…”, I mean that they both errored out when they’re imported into Dynamics.
          By the way, the version that we’re on is Version 1612 ( Online. Thx!

          1. Alex Shlega Post author

            Hi Rob,

            I have a theory.. by any chance, could it be that you downloaded the version for 8.1 from the TCS solution summary page? There are two links there, but use the one at the top. It should be version 1.0.15, and I did try re-importing it on my trial just now.. here is a direct link to the solution file:

  9. Rob K

    So, I just downloaded the file from the link you just provided… I then right-clicked on the zip file to Unblock it [even though I rarely need to do that previously], and then I confirmed that it’s the correct file because it now has the DataTime stamp for just now… And then I uploaded it into Dynamics, and…
    … Plugin Assembly Error on the component TreeCatSoftware.Dynamics.TCSTools with the generic error of:

    “An error has occurred. Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Community for solutions or contact your organization’s Microsoft Dynamics 365 Administrator. Finally, you can contact Microsoft Support.”

    So, maybe the version that we’ve been upgraded to recently [Version 1612 (] continues to have the issue that was described in that blog posting.
    Well, i can’t expect you to take time to troubleshoot your component when the issue is likely to do with some Dynamics issue… So i guess we’ll wait until this gets resolved… Possibly by next week when Microsoft migth release an interim patch to us… Maybe. 😉
    Thanks Alex! 🙂

    By the way, please let me know if there’s anything i can do to help you out on this – I have no problems running a troubleshooting session with you if it would help you out in any way, shape or form… Just ask. Thanks! 🙂

    1. Alex Shlega Post author

      Hi Rob, a troubleshooting session might be worth it.. if that’s something you’d be willing to do, please drop me an email at [email protected] This may have to wait until after May 27 when I get back from vacation.. but, then, I’d be more than happy to finally figure out what’s going on.

  10. David Fishback

    I am wondering if this would allow me to lookup a value in a custom entity and return a value to the workflow. I am currently using version

    1. Alex Shlega Post author

      Hi David, there is no “return parameter” to consume it directly in the workflow.. you might probably update a field on a record, and, then, use that record/field for the rest of the workflow. 8.1 is, actually, more of a problem (I think at this point whether the solution will still work with 8.1 is anybody’s guess)

  11. Jonathan Spalding

    This looks perfect for what i need but when I try to install on CRM 2016 On Prem, am unable to import as it is missing the msdyn_/Images/AppModule_Default_Icon.png component
    Any advice would be appreciated


  12. mohamed Ismail

    Hello Alex,

    This looks excellent and might be what I need to solve some problems I’m trying to overcome. I’m on 2015 (on premise) though and it uses installer version 7. Is there any chance at all that there could be a version of the tcs tools or the lookup setter for version 7? It’s the lookup setter that I’m hoping to try in particular.

    If it’s not possible or is too much trouble then no problem at all of course, if there is a version I could use then it would just be a massive help to be able to set the lookup field within a workflow.

    Many thanks and kudos for what you’ve done.

    Kind Regards,

    1. Alex Shlega Post author

      Hi Mohamed,

      I would not have a version for 2015 anymore. If you’d like, I could share lookup setter workflow activity code and V9 solution (through github), but you’d still have to re-create the entities that code is using in your 2015 instance, yet you’d need to build the source code, register the plugin, SDK steps, etc.

      1. mohamed ismail

        Hi Alex,

        Thank you, I’m not able to use SDK itself yet so can’t do the build, register etc. It was a nice thougt. I’ll keep trying to find a solution if I can. And if we get to an updated version I’ll know to look out for your solution.

        Thanks again,

  13. Bobby

    Do you have a version for 8.2? The solution above does not work for me.

    1. Mike

      Same here. I’m on and the solution files at the top of the page, even though it says it’s for v8.2, gives me the error: “You can only import solutions with a package version of 8.2 or earlier into this organization. Also, you can’t import any solutions into this organization that were exported from Microsoft Dynamics 365 2011 or earlier.”

  14. Hamid Ghouli

    Hi dear Alex!
    Thank you for the great solution you wrote, this is really great.
    This is exactly what I’ve been looking for for years.

    I’m using Version 1612 ( (DB on-premises and unfortunately couldn’t import version
    Can you help me?

    1. @NJ

      When tried importing the solution available at provided link getting error.
      You can only import solutions with a package version of 8.2 or earlier into this organization. Also, you can’t import any solutions into this organization that were exported from Microsoft Dynamics 365 2011 or earlier.
      I’m using Version 1612 ( (DB on-premises and unfortunately couldn’t import solution. Can you please help me?


  15. Mr. Smith

    Hello Alex,

    We installed the version
    Can a Two Option fields be used in a WF to update related entities using TCS Tools:Attribute Setter?

    In our case the type and the name of both fields (on entity and related entity records) are the same.

  16. Dietmar Hanisch

    Hi Alex,

    just installed the TCS Tool managend solution.
    I would like to use the Look Up Setter functionality.
    I using CRM Online v9.1

    Unfortunately the custom workflow action “TCS Lookup Setter” is missing
    After installation there are two areas in the Workflow Creation Dialog
    TCS Tools and TreeCatSoftware Dynamics TCS Tools (
    TCS Tools just contains Code Expression
    The other one contains 5 Activities Workflow Actions
    But no LookupSetter ist availabe. What am I doing wrong?

    Best regards

    1. Jonatan S.

      I have the exact same problem in our system.

      Cannot see/use the Lookup/Attribute setter within my workflows.

      Is there a solution for this?

      Kind regards,


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