Trying Xamarin (with Dynamics, of course.. but not there yet): Broken AVD system path

By | October 20, 2017

As far as mobile development is concerned, I’m an absolute newbie at this point.. So, this might be something obvious for those who have been doing mobile development for a while, but, since I have no idea what’s normal what’s not, maybe this post will help somebody else to get things going a little faster.

I kept getting the following error when trying to start an android virtual device:

Starting emulator for AVD ‘MyPhone’
PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value [C:\Software\Android\sdk]!


I did some googling, I did some thinking.. I did some cursing, I guess.. none of that was very helpful till I noticed that I had two different SDK folders:



Aha.. From there, it was straightforward. Update ANDROID_SDK_ROOT system variable:


Restart AVD manager, and start the emulator. Back in business we are:


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